Easy Robotics
ProFeeder X is designed to support high-volume production series. It is an exceptional machine that can be equipped with multiple trays and options depending on the need.
Item No. UR/45200
EasyRobotics ProFeeder X
Additional Description
The concept behind ProFeeder X is to reduce cycle time and increase production for greater output. ProFeeder X can support up to 10 trays suitable for both small and large batch production.
The system is fully automated and highly compact, allowing it to be placed on any type of machine. Due to the availability of 2, 5, or 10 trays, ProFeeder X can be applied to any task within a limited timeframe.
Similar to ProFeeder Compact, this application is also available in two variants based on the locking system. The Airlock system can lock the trays by compressing air, and Mechlock uses the mechanical locking system. The locking system is useful for protecting the operator from interference in the processes and also helps maintain productivity.
The setup time required for ProFeeder X is reduced with the help of integrated software that eliminates extra work needed for installation.
The system is ready for operation in a very short time. It helps increase productivity up to 4 times and perform 12-hour shifts without human intervention. ProFeeder X is flexible and compact, allowing manufacturers to place the system on the conveyor without taking up much space.