Machine tending

Safety and quality at the forefront

CNC machining, press braking, injection moulding, or welding: heavy, repetitive tasks that you can easily automate, benefiting employees and the company.

Machine fitting demands consistent precision, even through long workdays. Automating machine operation enhances not only employee safety but also boosts productivity. This includes reducing cycle times, enabling operators to oversee multiple machines simultaneously, and allowing machines to run unattended after regular hours.

Higher uptime

Increased efficiency

Consistent quality

When employee satisfaction and productivity goes hans in hand

Kawasaki provides a variety of robots tailored for machine operation. These robots work alongside operators, addressing labor shortages and ensuring consistent, high-quality output 24/7. Automating repetitive tasks also frees up operators for more valuable work, boosting both employee satisfaction and productivity.

BILA RoboPower

The easiest robot cell for machine operation

Want a industrial robot to handle machine operations? 

Lars Rasmussen

Director, BILA Robotics

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