Robot Optimises CNC Machine and Replaces Manual Processes

Metal and electronics
Flexible Automation
Universal Robots

UR Robot Optimises Production

At NEK Vaerktojsfabrik, the UR robot has optimised series production and taken over many of the company’s monotonous tasks, much to the delight of both the business and its employees.

Effektiv produktion

Forbedrer arbejdsmiljø

Fleksibel automation

Installering på et døgn


NEK Værktøjsfabrik ville automatisere deres produktion yderligere for at skabe teknisk udvikling. De så derfor gode muligheder i at investere i en UR-robot. For værktøjsfabrikken var det vigtigt, at automationsløsningen var fleksibel, så robotten kunne møde behovet flere steder i produktionen.


For at løse behovet for fleksibilitet investerede NEK Værktøjsfabrik i deres første UR-robot i 2022. Løsningen indeholdt en CoboPower CNC-loader med en UR10e stående på et bord.


Med denne løsning, en CoboPower CNC-loader får NEK Værktøjsfabrik fuld udnyttelse af deres CNC-maskine 24 timer i døgnet - helt ubemandet. De kan nu udnytte deres maskine meget mere, hvilket gør det muligt at effektivisere deres produktion endnu mere.

NEK Vaerktojsfabrik Embraces Technical Development


Founded in 1985, NEK Vaerktojsfabrik has over 30 years of experience in component design and tool manufacturing. Today, the company employs 45 people.


The company bought its first UR robot in 2022—a CoboPower CNC loader with a UR10e robot on a table. With prior experience using other robots, they were motivated to automate production to enhance technical development. Thanks to the new robot, their CNC machine can now operate at full capacity around the clock without requiring manual oversight.


Maximising Machine Utilisation


“This solution enables us to get much more out of our machine, which helps us further optimise production,” says Jesper Andersen, CEO.


NEK Vaerktojsfabrik emphasised the importance of flexibility, ensuring the robot could be moved around to meet various production needs. Since they specialise in tool manufacturing and series production, it was essential to streamline series production as much as possible.


“We can now operate more efficiently and profitably, while reducing monotonous tasks. This allows our operators to focus on other valuable activities,”


Jesper Andersen, CEO


Increased Focus on Automation in the Future


Automation is not new to NEK Vaerktojsfabrik, which has been using robots in production for some time. The new cobot from Universal Robots has become a valuable "colleague," improving both usability and the work environment.


“We definitely see more opportunities for further automation in the future. That’s the direction we need to take. It’s challenging to find qualified labour, and the UR robot helps us compensate for that,” concludes Jesper Andersen, CEO.

Get 360 degree consultation about your setup, and let us help you elevate your automation aspirations to the next level. You can contact us at +45 9771 0044.

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